Tag Archives: Creative

How creative writing helped in my personal growth

Writing. It has been here since, well, forever and is perhaps one of the most underrated art forms in the world. Think about it. Your daily newspaper is written, books are written, your favourite songs have lyrics which are written, laws and rules are written. It is perhaps an art which governs the whole world.

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Rewriting The Past

In this life of COVID-19, one day I was chilling out in my room, aimlessly switching the television channels and munching on some fries. Out of the blue, at a totally unexpected time when no one usually visits us, the doorbell rang. Perplexed, I walked up to the door and flung it open. My cousins were on the door! I was shell-shocked to see them in front of me and was about to fall. They traveled by their car to surprise us. I was thrilled and so excited.

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Some Days Become History

The blazing sun was smiling in the sky. I was trying hard to get rid of my slumber. After washing my face with soapy water, I gulped down some ice water from the bottle in the refrigerator. Pathetically sitting in the couch, I didn’t know what to do. There was no option to go out due to the corona virus pandemic. Just then, an idea popped in my mind to makeover and renovate my abode. 

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The Ephialtes

The abode. The only one in the entire area, sat on the crest of a low valley. In this two-storeyed duplex resided a couple – Rohan and Rhythm. They set up their dream house in the outskirts of the city where they could catch the view of fields of cotton dotted with flowers, a turquoise crystal clear lake with a bench near by, many baya weaver nests dangling from the twigs of trees and holy worshipping places too.

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