Tag Archives: BTB

An Epiphany in Teaching Math

It was that moment for me – just like in the movies – when time freezes, your halo shines so bright that it almost blinds others, and your once nonexistent angel wings make you feel you are levitating. No matter how hard I traverse my mental landscape, I keep returning to that moment and so, it is that moment that I will describe here.

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Book Review – Teenage Jugaad by Author Mitra Malani


finally, a book for teens about teenage

Cover Image Source: amazon.in

Author: Mitra Malani

Publisher: Notion Press

Genre: Realistic Fiction + Self help

Age group: Teenagers + Young Adults


A couple weeks back, I was frustrated with my life. 

I went over to my parents and said melodramatically, as if I was in a bollywood movie “I wouldn’t want even my worst enemies to become teenagers. Teenage is so annoying.”

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Australia: A Haven of Tradition

Located in Oceania between two great seas, Australia is a country that is talked about very little today. The world remains oblivious to its beauty, stunning culture, and delectable delicacies. A ‘haven of tradition’ would be a suitable name to describe its practices that can be traced back to long before in a hidden past.

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From Reluctance to Passion – My Journey with Writing

Sometimes, what you despise can change you for the better if you actually try it. I don’t know why, but I used to hate writing. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I was always a practical kid, surrounded by close-minded people, so I never really got a chance to explore what writing was. Despite being a hardcore introvert (and I still am), I never enjoyed writing. When I picked up a pencil, it was only to solve mathematical equations, not to create strings of words that made sense only to a select few.

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Book Review – The Girl Who Lost Her Yes by Aarti Khatwani Bhatia

Book Name & Publisher: The Girl Who Lost Her YES published by Harper Collins Children’s Imprint
Author: Aarti Khatwani Bhatia
Illustrator: Priya Kurian
Book Reviewer: Navyaa Mathur

What if, one day, you suddenly start saying ‘no’ to everything – even to the things you like, like candies, toys, and ice cream? That’s exactly what happened to little Mia!

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The Healing Power of Words: How Literature Enhances Mental Well-Being by Bharathy Easwar

“A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a person’s mind can get both provocation and privacy.” – Edward P. Morgan


The world today is a tough place to be in, with constant stress and anxiety leaving you on an emotional rollercoaster. This is where the simple act of reading a book can improve your mental health. Literature is not just about entertainment; it is also a form of therapy that can calm your frayed nerves, improve emotional resilience, and put you on the path to self-discovery.

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