Tag Archives: BTB Special

Book Review – Living With Adi

Book Title – Living With Adi
Author – Zarin Virji
Published By – Penguin Random House India
Recommended Age Group – 12+ years

Anupama Ma’am, my creative writing mentor, gives the best book recommendations. When she sent a link to buy ‘Living with Adi’, I knew I would absolutely love it.


‘Living with Adi’ is a novel about an autistic teenager living in Mumbai with his family. The book features different crossroads in Adi’s life, and how he is resilient and brave through it all. Each part is written by someone in his life.

There are different people, some love Adi and others judge him. Their perspectives come together as a well rounded story, telling us who Adi is and who he is capable of becoming.


I’ve learnt a LOT about ASD from this book.

ASD struggles are real, but that doesn’t mean a neurodivergent child is any ‘different’ or ‘less’. I’ve also understood that ASD is a spectrum, and different children may face various problems. It’s an umbrella term.

Through this book, we see how some people heavily judge everyone around them, without even noticing and acknowledging their struggles.


The characters of this book need a special mention! Each character is intricately woven with nuances and foibles. Some characters will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will make you want to hug them, and you will love some and despise some.

Each chapter is written through the lens of a different character. The characters have so much perspective!

The author has also left trails around the book about each character, and you will understand them so much better at the end of the book.


This book is near flawless. I understand why some of the characters’ perspectives weren’t included, but I still think it would be nice to hear from his doctor and some of the ‘bad guys’.


Ever since the package containing this book arrived at my house, I’ve been re-reading it, and I’ve honestly lost count of how many times. I love it a little more every time I read it, and find something new to appreciate in it. This is a must-have, must-buy and must-read! Take my word for it, you will not be disappointed.

You can get your copy of the book here.

Reviewed by: Vinisha Nainani from Hyderabad


Can you imagine having maximum attendance of many thousands at a virtual book launch? That seems like a nearly impossible task, doesn’t it? Well, the renowned author Megha Bajaj has this and more to her credit in her glorious list of achievements.


Interview with Padma Shri Geeta Dharmarajan

This month we got a golden opportunity to have a conversation with a very special person. We are sure that reading this interview will evoke many awe-inspiring emotions in you. You would feel as if you are sitting in a storytelling session which is deep, enriching and profound. The special guest is none other than Padma Shri Geeta Dharmarajan. She is a writer, editor, educator and the Founder and President of Katha, a nonprofit organisation that she founded in 1988. In spite of being a go-getter and someone through whose journey we can learn so much, the enthusiasm in her voice is so childlike and infectious that you can’t remain un-enamoured.

Continue reading Interview with Padma Shri Geeta Dharmarajan

Thank you

The first sight when I met Anupama in 2017, I thought she is a blogger and into different activities and I wondered how can she focus on Kids in English Creative Writing. But to my surprise she is awe-inspiring. I started up the classes with the workshop and I thought I will end up with the workshop only but we are continuing with her since then and we will continue till my son is a grown up man. Frankly If I stop the classes my son will see my end. Continue reading Thank you