Tag Archives: BTB Special

An Epiphany in Teaching Math

It was that moment for me – just like in the movies – when time freezes, your halo shines so bright that it almost blinds others, and your once nonexistent angel wings make you feel you are levitating. No matter how hard I traverse my mental landscape, I keep returning to that moment and so, it is that moment that I will describe here.

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Book Review – Teenage Jugaad by Author Mitra Malani


finally, a book for teens about teenage

Cover Image Source: amazon.in

Author: Mitra Malani

Publisher: Notion Press

Genre: Realistic Fiction + Self help

Age group: Teenagers + Young Adults


A couple weeks back, I was frustrated with my life. 

I went over to my parents and said melodramatically, as if I was in a bollywood movie “I wouldn’t want even my worst enemies to become teenagers. Teenage is so annoying.”

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Australia: A Haven of Tradition

Located in Oceania between two great seas, Australia is a country that is talked about very little today. The world remains oblivious to its beauty, stunning culture, and delectable delicacies. A ‘haven of tradition’ would be a suitable name to describe its practices that can be traced back to long before in a hidden past.

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Interview with Padma Shri Geeta Dharmarajan

This month we got a golden opportunity to have a conversation with a very special person. We are sure that reading this interview will evoke many awe-inspiring emotions in you. You would feel as if you are sitting in a storytelling session which is deep, enriching and profound. The special guest is none other than Padma Shri Geeta Dharmarajan. She is a writer, editor, educator and the Founder and President of Katha, a nonprofit organisation that she founded in 1988. In spite of being a go-getter and someone through whose journey we can learn so much, the enthusiasm in her voice is so childlike and infectious that you can’t remain un-enamoured.

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Thank you

The first sight when I met Anupama in 2017, I thought she is a blogger and into different activities and I wondered how can she focus on Kids in English Creative Writing. But to my surprise she is awe-inspiring. I started up the classes with the workshop and I thought I will end up with the workshop only but we are continuing with her since then and we will continue till my son is a grown up man. Frankly If I stop the classes my son will see my end. Continue reading Thank you