Tag Archives: BTB

The Magic Shoe

“Hurry up! Syon! We shall ask for the room that has a lot of snacks, otherwise someone else might take it.” 

We rushed to our Ma’am and pleaded. “Can we please have the room full of snacks Ma’am?”. 

“Well, ok. But just don’t keep munching on snacks because you have got to prepare for the debate”, Ma’am answered smiling. 

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Book Review – Manya Learns to Roar

Book Title: Manya Learns to Roar

Author: Shruthi Rao

Illustrator: Priya Kurian

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Recommended for Age Group: 6+ years

Published By: Duckbill Books and Publications Private Limited

“Manya Learns to Roar” is a story about a girl named Manya who struggles due to stammering. The book depicts her journey of overcoming her fears and apprehensions, in a realistic and entertaining manner.

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The Adventure in Coconino National Forest

This is my story. Even if you don’t believe me, it’s all true. This is a secret, which only my serious brother, Marcus, and my sister, Clara who takes everything lightly, even a murder, know about. Coming back to the story, my siblings and I along with my cousins – Rokia, Genina, and Veronica – live in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In Winnipeg, the weather is at most -9.3°C in winter. So, during every Christmas break, we all go south to the USA for camping in Coconino Forest. If there is one thing that we learned from vacationing is to always avoid crossing densely populated cites as they are noisy. In Coconino National Forest, we are never allowed to go past the river as there exist creatures that will rip you apart in 5 seconds. Well, on one instance, my curiosity got the better of me and I asked everyone to come to the other side of the river. None of my cousins listened but Marcus and Clara wanted to join me. It was just the three of us then and we were all excited. 

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