Two To Tango by Pooja & Aarthi

At Beyond the Box, we are constantly thinking of ideas to give something unique, refreshing as well as challenging to our community of writers. Two to Tango is one such endeavour to encourage the participants to work along with another writer as a team and bring about a creative synergy. 60 teams participated in Season 2 of this one-of-its-kind contest and the winners were chosen by best-selling author MV Kasi. Below prompt was given to the writers and they were asked to narrate the same story from two different points of view.

Prompt – Write a fictional story in which a viral video plays a key role. Feel free to creatively interpret this concept in any genre of your choice. 

The winners in the Adults’ category were Aarthi V. Karanam & CA Pooja Kabra (Team 59). Enjoy their story!

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Two to Tango by Akshata & Priya

At Beyond the Box, we are constantly thinking of ideas to give something unique, refreshing as well as challenging to our community of writers. Two to Tango is one such endeavour to encourage the participants to work along with another writer as a team and bring about a creative synergy. 60 teams participated in Season 2 of this one-of-its-kind contest and the winners were chosen by best-selling author MV Kasi. Below prompt was given to the writers and they were asked to narrate the same story from two different points of view. 

Prompt – Write a fictional story in which a viral video plays a key role. Feel free to creatively interpret this concept in any genre of your choice. 

The winners in the Adults’ category were Akshata A. Hegde & Priya Nayak-Gole (Team 17). Enjoy their story!

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Diversity and Representation in YA and Children’s Literature

We are a planet made up of a diverse group of people – and a diverse group of people imply a diverse set of problems. We are riddled with issues so eclectic in their nature, it’s almost impossible to find a uniform solution to all of them. 

This is where I think literature comes into picture. We turn to books and poetry when we are most helpless. In times of adversity, we seek refuge in art – which is why it is so important to have proper and equal representation in all of art’s branches. 

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Goosebumps on Christmas

Once there lived a boy whose name was Tyler. He lived with his parents and little sister Annie. He asked his mother, “Can we start decorating the house for Christmas eve”? “No, Tyler. We have to pay our loan”, said mom.

Upset, he went to his bedroom. Suddenly, he heard an ear-piercing sound. Only Tyler and his sister heard it and rushed out.

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Movie Review – 83

Experienced, felt, and enjoyed 83 thoroughly. This epic creation is a real story based on the triumphant victory of the Indian Cricket Team in the 1983 World Cup. The story is narrated in a glorious manner that includes the member’s individual journeys and their ups and downs as a team that finally leads them to a terrific yet unexpected victory.

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