Book Review – The Mystery Of The Missing Soap
‘The Mystery Of The Missing Soap’ is a fun book with an interesting, unique and important premise. An evil figure, Asura Tobakachi, wants to rule the whole of India. He sends his army, ‘The Coronavirus Army’, to attack the happy village of Dakshinpur. In order to win, they make all the soaps disappear so that the virus can attack freely. But the villagers cleverly make their own soap and defeat the virus. They wash their hands frequently and the frightened army runs far away.
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BTB Wall of Fame – Author Chat with Manjiri Prabhu
To Rowling, With Love
As a kid, she was always teased. As a grown-up, she was always underestimated. Her teachers were proud of her creative work but her classmates were always jealous. Her books were beautiful, but she wasn’t given a chance to publish them. Yes, this is the story of all of J.K Rowling’s adventures.
BTB Storyteller of the Week – Reya Jain
Babloo At Pizza Hut
The sun was shining bright. Babloo and his family went to the market in a blue car to buy groceries. The black leather seats greeted them. On the way, they saw a flock of birds chirping peacefully high up in the sky and a clump of trees. Finally, they reached their destination.
Book Review – Mystery at Malabar Cottage
“Mystery at Malabar Cottage” is a fun and adventurous story about four cousins – Sam , Fulki , Tina and Paras. They spend their summer vacation at a 200-year-old cottage at the top of the hill without their parents due to some work. Panna is the caretaker of the four cousins.
Bloggers’ Virtual Round-Table Discussion – Bring Out The Blog-smith In You
Book Review – The Tale Of Makkhilal
Would you have ever thought that an intriguing, thought-provoking tale could be told by using a ‘fly’ as a key character? Katha India’s recent offering “The Tale of Makkhilal” authored by Geeta Dharmarajan is set in the land of Makkhipuri. A fly named Makkhilal was the God for all the inhabitants of this unique land.
Babloo And His Escapades
Babloo was lost but at the same time he was not lost. How?
Once upon a time, there was a 1500 light years distant planet from Earth named Depwoceus. In that planet, there were about 1600 countries and one of them was Ebarcasluat. That planet was 5 times bigger than the Sun and there lived only robots. In the city Sergyuij, there lived Haurces. Just like on Earth people are from different communities like Hindus and Muslims, in the same way, only on Depwoceus, the robots belonged to either Haurces or Liaoms. Everybody lived together happily. DE268 robot was just made and his parents named him Regeoved. His brother DE244 nicknamed Babloo was very happy.