The Secret Of The Talking Parrot

Once upon a time in a city, there lived a fowler named Timma. He would catch birds for a living. One day, he caught a parrot. When Timma tried to cage the parrot, the parrot replied, “Please! Let me go. If you let me go then a rare parrot will come to your net and you can catch it.” Timma was astonished. He exclaimed, ” You are so valuable! You can talk and I would be a fool to let you free but still I will set you free.”. He let the parrot free.

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Book Review – Gatila

Gatila is a black cow who has low self-esteem due to her black colour. She does find an unconventional, easy way to ‘make’ herself pretty by painting herself in different colours. The story is about whether she finds happiness and satisfaction with a new colour or ends up loving herself the way she is.  

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