Category Archives: 12+ years


There was a time when terrorism was at its peak in the state of Punjab. One frequently heard about incidents of firing and kidnapping across the state. These incidents were more rampant in certain areas.

One day, a family was visiting one such region in Punjab. A couple and their two sons, aged 12 and 16, were traveling to meet their grandparents. They arrived safely and were grateful that nothing bad had happened during their journey. They spent their holidays relaxing in the quaint town with their large family.

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The Musings of Agatha

The countryside was a vivid place. Old-fashioned folk resided in the bustling sectors of the city, amidst which was the cottage of Agatha, a well-known woman among the common citizenry. She wore a tight bun around her head as she intertwined her wrinkled hands around the complex piece of wool. The firelight shimmered on her face, presenting shining white hair that held underneath a variety of loops and curls. Her granddaughter Diana lay in a deep sleep in her lap. Agatha caressed her beautiful young face, remembering a time of her own. As she finished her knit, a bright vermillion cardigan perfect for the subfusc winters, she lay down in a curved position next to her granddaughter.

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Book Review – Teenage Jugaad by Author Mitra Malani


finally, a book for teens about teenage

Cover Image Source:

Author: Mitra Malani

Publisher: Notion Press

Genre: Realistic Fiction + Self help

Age group: Teenagers + Young Adults


A couple weeks back, I was frustrated with my life. 

I went over to my parents and said melodramatically, as if I was in a bollywood movie “I wouldn’t want even my worst enemies to become teenagers. Teenage is so annoying.”

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Australia: A Haven of Tradition

Located in Oceania between two great seas, Australia is a country that is talked about very little today. The world remains oblivious to its beauty, stunning culture, and delectable delicacies. A ‘haven of tradition’ would be a suitable name to describe its practices that can be traced back to long before in a hidden past.

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From Reluctance to Passion – My Journey with Writing

Sometimes, what you despise can change you for the better if you actually try it. I don’t know why, but I used to hate writing. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I was always a practical kid, surrounded by close-minded people, so I never really got a chance to explore what writing was. Despite being a hardcore introvert (and I still am), I never enjoyed writing. When I picked up a pencil, it was only to solve mathematical equations, not to create strings of words that made sense only to a select few.

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