Tag Archives: Short Story

The Golden Ticket

Hey! Did you know that I went to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? How you ask? Well, Willy Wonka kept six golden tickets packed along with his chocolates. I bought one of his chilly crème chocolate and OMG! I got the golden ticket, which is a golden opportunity to visit Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. I was super-duper excited. So, we lucky six children were invited to the chocolate factory. Willy Wonka, I must say, was a tad bit silly and bizarre but no doubt he was a fine chocolatier.

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Christmas Night

It was a typical, lively Christmas eve. Children were preparing to receive gifts from Santa Claus. Milk and Cookies were set. Stockings were hung.

“Em, what gift have you asked for this time?” Sammy asked his sister, Emma. Emma said that it was a secret and grinned. 

They were twins. Kind yet Mischievous. They were well-known for their pranks.

****NEXT DAY****


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Rewriting The Past

In this life of COVID-19, one day I was chilling out in my room, aimlessly switching the television channels and munching on some fries. Out of the blue, at a totally unexpected time when no one usually visits us, the doorbell rang. Perplexed, I walked up to the door and flung it open. My cousins were on the door! I was shell-shocked to see them in front of me and was about to fall. They traveled by their car to surprise us. I was thrilled and so excited.

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Stallrose’s Echo

He heaved a sigh of relief, having hiked all the way up to the crest. Joy dawned upon him, as he reminded himself of the fact, that he was the only person to have ever made it to the Stallrose peaks. The view filled him with serenity, calm and peace. The sight from this point was immensely breathtaking and its aura made it almost seem unreal. The peaks stood high and upright, embracing the enchanting sight, as the sky welcomed their presence with a warm and magnificent blue. Their wonderful artistry was a well-kept secret.

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The Talking Tree

I wasn’t born rich. I came from very humble beginnings. What u see of me today is a far cry from what I was back then.

I was born in the wild, not very far from this city. When I opened my eyes for the first time, I was amazed to see beauty all around me. I was surrounded by beautiful creatures, just like me. We enjoyed the sun, swayed in the breeze, danced in the rain and had fun all day long. Those still remain the best days of my life.

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The Magic Shoe

“Hurry up! Syon! We shall ask for the room that has a lot of snacks, otherwise someone else might take it.” 

We rushed to our Ma’am and pleaded. “Can we please have the room full of snacks Ma’am?”. 

“Well, ok. But just don’t keep munching on snacks because you have got to prepare for the debate”, Ma’am answered smiling. 

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As a creative writing mentor, one concern most parents come up to me with is “My child does not read”. Honestly, when I probe further, I discover in most cases that either the child has not really been encouraged to read much during the formative years or has not been exposed to his/her choice of reading material/books. We live in times when kids cannot have a gadget free childhood. Continue reading NEWS SHUTTLE – A NEWSPAPER THAT PROVIDES A WHOLESOME READING EXPERIENCE TO CHILDREN