Tag Archives: Fiction


There was a time when terrorism was at its peak in the state of Punjab. One frequently heard about incidents of firing and kidnapping across the state. These incidents were more rampant in certain areas.

One day, a family was visiting one such region in Punjab. A couple and their two sons, aged 12 and 16, were traveling to meet their grandparents. They arrived safely and were grateful that nothing bad had happened during their journey. They spent their holidays relaxing in the quaint town with their large family.

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Write-A-Thon Season 4 Story – Team 4 (Adults)

Amara thought she was alone in the school library when she heard a soft thud behind her. Turning around, she saw her classmate, Rahul, searching for a book on the bookshelf, and accidentally, he dropped his notebook over there. Sensing Amara’s gaze, he made a sorry sign, thinking she got disturbed by his presence. But for Amara, it was the best sight, as he was her crush, a one-sided love. She was constantly seeing his movements, without sensing that he had approached near her to sit on a chair next to Amara’s. She felt her cheeks blushing and an adrenaline rush. She couldn’t focus on her notebook anymore, so she decided to use this opportunity and started a conversation with him.

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Write-A-Thon Season 4 Story – Team 3 (Adults)

Amara thought she was alone in the school library when she heard a soft thud behind her. Turning around, she saw an old woman shrouded with wrinkles. Amara was taken aback. The woman’s ornate floor length gown and cape suggested that she was from ancient times. She also bore a striking resemblance to Amara.

“Who…are you? And how did you appear out of thin air?” Amara’s voice was shaky.

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The Musings of Agatha

The countryside was a vivid place. Old-fashioned folk resided in the bustling sectors of the city, amidst which was the cottage of Agatha, a well-known woman among the common citizenry. She wore a tight bun around her head as she intertwined her wrinkled hands around the complex piece of wool. The firelight shimmered on her face, presenting shining white hair that held underneath a variety of loops and curls. Her granddaughter Diana lay in a deep sleep in her lap. Agatha caressed her beautiful young face, remembering a time of her own. As she finished her knit, a bright vermillion cardigan perfect for the subfusc winters, she lay down in a curved position next to her granddaughter.

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The Magic Lamp and the Lesson Learned

Once upon a time, there were four girls: Jaanvi, Manvi, Aarna, and Eva. They were very good friends and used to meet every day to play together. They were almost like sisters!

One day, while playing hide and seek, Aarna was the seeker, and the other girls had to hide. Aarna counted to 100, and the seeking began. As she was looking for her friends, she stumbled upon something. She picked it up and found a magic lamp, exactly like the one in the movie Aladdin. Aarna looked at the lamp and found it very beautiful. She decided to call the others and show it to them.

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The Rainfall After Murder

She sat there, blood dripping off her fingers, the blood-drenched knife tightly gripped in her hand. The thunder added an even more dramatic setting, followed by the soft water droplets. She looked down at the outcome of her actions: a boy lying in front of her, a clear stab mark on his chest. She was staring at her crime when everything suddenly went black. She fainted.

A month later…

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Two to Tango by Mishti & Srishti

At Beyond the Box, we are constantly thinking of ideas to give something unique, refreshing as well as challenging to our community of writers. Two to Tango is one such endeavour to encourage the participants to work along with another writer as a team and bring about a creative synergy. 40+ teams participated in Season 3 of this one-of-its-kind contest and the winners were chosen by prolific author Kanchana Banerjee. Below prompt was given to the writers and they were asked to narrate the same story from two different points of view. 

Prompt – Write a fictional story in which a book reveals a secret. Feel free to creatively interpret the prompt in any genre of your choice. 

The 2nd Runners-Up in the kids’ category were Mishti Ahuja & Srishti Chawla (Team 7). Enjoy their story!

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The village of my dreams is a little German village named Musik-Ville, meaning “place of music.” This place is entirely inhabited by living musical instruments. The instruments here can not only make music all by themselves but can also speak and move around. The cottages have doors and windows that can open all by themselves, as the inhabitants do not have arms. Technology does not exist in Musik-Ville, which means all the villagers can live in harmony.

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