On the track of imagination

Elina wore her prettiest gown decorated with laces and frills and waited at the station on the snowy evening. It was the night of the Christmas Eve. A toy train soon arrived and stopped at the empty station. A gentle voice greeted her and said, “Hi Elina, I will take you to a world of imagination moving on the track. It will stay in this station until you discover your goal. There are thousands of books for you to explore. Leave a book from your own collection, which will help someone else like you take a journey and get transported to another world of pure and innocent imagination.”

Elina was thrilled to meet Santa and heard him speak. With a smile and sparkle in her eye, she replied “Dear Santa , you are indeed a true magician . Thanks for making me board the Library on Wheels. On the track of imagination, I will find my identity indeed. I promise to read and discover my goal. Yes, I will leave one of my favourite books for others to get transported to a world of magic.”

“Wake up Elina , its time for a new beginning”, her mother’s voice made her realise that she was dreaming. “Mum, I know my goal. I will create a Library on Wheels, and help others shape their goals”, she declared with a sparkle in her eyes and a confident tone. Elina rushed out to collect books for her Library. Her mother watched her excitedly.

// This fictional story has been penned by 8-year-old Hrijoy Lahiri and was chosen among the top finalists at the Read Your Story event organized by Beyond Academix. //

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