Tag Archives: BTB

Book Review – Dasavatara

Book Name – Dasavatara

Author – Piyusha Vir

Illustrator – Aparajitha Vaasudev

Publisher – Westland (Red Panda Imprint)

‘Dasavatara’ by Piyusha Vir, as conveyed in the title itself, is a book about the 10 main avatars of Lord Vishnu (the preserver). The book consists of short stories about each of these Avatars. All of these stories have an underlying theme – when darkness tries to take over the world, Lord Vishnu comes to the rescue as, after all, he is the preserver! 

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Stallrose’s Echo

He heaved a sigh of relief, having hiked all the way up to the crest. Joy dawned upon him, as he reminded himself of the fact, that he was the only person to have ever made it to the Stallrose peaks. The view filled him with serenity, calm and peace. The sight from this point was immensely breathtaking and its aura made it almost seem unreal. The peaks stood high and upright, embracing the enchanting sight, as the sky welcomed their presence with a warm and magnificent blue. Their wonderful artistry was a well-kept secret.

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The Talking Tree

I wasn’t born rich. I came from very humble beginnings. What u see of me today is a far cry from what I was back then.

I was born in the wild, not very far from this city. When I opened my eyes for the first time, I was amazed to see beauty all around me. I was surrounded by beautiful creatures, just like me. We enjoyed the sun, swayed in the breeze, danced in the rain and had fun all day long. Those still remain the best days of my life.

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Some Days Become History

The blazing sun was smiling in the sky. I was trying hard to get rid of my slumber. After washing my face with soapy water, I gulped down some ice water from the bottle in the refrigerator. Pathetically sitting in the couch, I didn’t know what to do. There was no option to go out due to the corona virus pandemic. Just then, an idea popped in my mind to makeover and renovate my abode. 

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Book Review – Esperanza Rising

Book name – Esperanza Rising
Author – Pam Munoz Ryan
Publisher – Scholastic
Recommended for Age Group – 8-12 years

‘Esperanza Rising’ is an interesting book about a girl named Esperanza who thought that life is always full of happiness but a sudden change brought a whole new life in front of her. The book focuses on how she accepts this new life and rises to new heights.

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