“Okay, time to go,” I murmur to myself, exiting the classroom. Rain pounds against the windows, and thunder taunts me from outside. I already know it’s hopeless, but I pull out my phone to check for a signal anyway.
Except – my phone isn’t there.
“What?” I curse. “I swear I kept it in here.”
I plunge my hand into my pocket once again and find… a note.
I don’t need to unfold the paper. I already know what it says. The angry red letters are burned into my mind. I shudder as I recall the words:
Remember me? The same guy who put a little girl with pigtails to sleep. Oh wait, wasn’t that your little sister? Anyway, I’m writing this letter to assure you that I will give you a slow and painful death, so you can join her! You’re welcome!
Oh God.
I have to leave. I have to leave now.
I spin on my heels, creeping through the maze of corridors. “I’m okay,” I whisper. My mind races back to the previous murders. It’s not like he—
The lights fizzle out.
Darkness suffocates me, and the lightning only seems to highlight the shadows, skulking ever closer. A rhythmic pounding fills my ears, merging with the sound of my footsteps.
Wait… those aren’t my footsteps.
My heart pounds. I just need to make it to the front exit before he finds me. I can find someone. I can stop this. I sprint down the hall, passing rows of lockers, each one glinting sinisterly – like a knife. A knife that could plunge into my back at any moment.
“Stop. That’s not going to happen,” I whisper to myself, but the words are swallowed by the sound of my heartbeat and the relentless, echoing footsteps.
Are they getting louder?
Fueled by adrenaline, I race down the stairs – jump, step, jump, step, jump, step, until suddenly –
I slip.
I gasp as I am sent soaring through the air before crashing onto the floor with a sickening crack. Pain shoots through my body, but I drag myself toward the glass doors.
“Almost there…” I whimper.
I force myself up, reach for the handle, and –
I’m safe!
A grin spreads across my face, wild and manic, but I don’t care. I turn the handle and –
The alarm stabs through my ears.
Its tell-tale wails echo through the school.
I’m compromised.
I dart into a nearby closet, pressing myself against the darkness, hoping my heartbeat doesn’t give me away. I gulp down shaky breaths.
A rasping sound slices through the silence.
He is here.
The world stills. The rasping sound is all that remains.
No. No. No.
I left the door ajar. He will find me.
I reach over to push it shut, but just as the door meets its frame – a scarred hand blocks its path.
Silence crashes down on me as the shadows creep menacingly forward.
What have I done?
I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut.
Someone save me. I’ll do anything. Please, please.
A shadow stretches across the room, flickering with each flash of lightning. A moment passes.
And as if my prayers have been answered –
The door closes again.
I exhale.
I have to run. If I stay, I’ll never make it out of here alive.
I wait a few minutes before grabbing the handle and sprinting into the hall. I look left, then –
Five feet in the air, something glints sinisterly.
And this time, it’s not a locker…
Author: Sovaan Bountra, 13 years old
Nail biting story with a lot of atmosphere. The Cliffhanger ending is killing me!
Very well written. Quite gripping. Keeps the suspense high till end.
Brilliant Sovaan. Very well written.