A Duck’s Disaster – Breadcrumbs, Quakes, and a Broken Home

I was having a normal day, swimming peacefully in the pond, until a breadcrumb hit me on the bill. And then another. It was like a hailstorm! But with breadcrumbs. I quickly turned and gobbled as many as I could.

Then, I spotted my archenemy – Peter the Rabbit – dashing around a tree. Every time I waddle to the pond, he shakes the tree I pass under, making acorns rain down on my head.

Suddenly, the pond wobbled. After 37 years in this park, I knew exactly what it was – the jogger. She comes here every day, and every step she takes creates a massive earthquake for us ducks.

But then, far off in the distance, I heard a rumbling noise. My house was broken! The jogger had stomped on a bunch of poor ants. I tried to rebuild it, but it kept crumbling down. In the end, I made a bed with the remains of my house and called it a day.

Author: Smayan Kumar Srivastava, 11 years old

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