Book Review – Teenage Jugaad by Author Mitra Malani


finally, a book for teens about teenage

Cover Image Source:

Author: Mitra Malani

Publisher: Notion Press

Genre: Realistic Fiction + Self help

Age group: Teenagers + Young Adults


A couple weeks back, I was frustrated with my life. 

I went over to my parents and said melodramatically, as if I was in a bollywood movie “I wouldn’t want even my worst enemies to become teenagers. Teenage is so annoying.”

I assume Mitra Malani heard this, and countless other worries from teenagers, because he’s written the perfect book for us. 

‘Teenage Jugaad’ is a book for teenagers to help them understand themselves and has many simple “jugaads” or solutions that can be easily implemented. 

The book has two parts: one from 21-year-old Agneya’s perspective and the second is like a holy book for all teenagers to follow.

Part one was stirring, featuring multiple flashbacks: some relatable, some funny and some emotional, inspired by unfiltered struggles and journeys. Part two highlights the daily daunting struggles of teenagers, and gives some very simple work-arounds. 

The two parts compliment each other and create a well-rounded guide for teenagers, with a story to look up to and multiple solutions for your struggles.


I’ve learnt a lot from this book, but mostly I’ve realised that teenage struggles are real and raw. Seek help!

I’ve realised that just like teenage is new for you, parenting you as a teen is new for your parents. Taking a step back and talking out situations, without any compromise, works best.

I understood how prominent the ‘herd mentality’ is in teenagers, and how you can avoid the trap. 

The book gives us some much-needed scientific evidence for why teenage is so hard, and what exactly we’re going through. Science is also occasionally used to show how some decisions impact you.


I loved the book. However, I was slightly puzzled at the start because I didn’t understand how it was structured. I always recommend everyone to read any book at least two times, and I think you should do the same for this one.


I would definitely recommend this book if you’re a teenager, whether you’re struggling with your identity, friends or school. You will resonate with the book and it will give you reassurance that you will be okay, even if that feels impossible right now. This book is a page-turner, don’t blame me if you can’t put it down!

Get your copy here.

Review Written By: Vinisha Nainani, Hyderabad

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