Late for School

Chaos frolicked around my home as I was late

At school the teacher would scold me, what would be my fate?

I gobbled up my breakfast and rushed out the door

And that’s when I realised my project was lying on the floor.

I ran back home, up the stairs, and grabbed it quick

But suddenly, I banged my head and felt horribly sick

Now, it was really late and I ran faster than the speed of sound

But I lost control and crashed into a mound

The bus started leaving and my eyes grew wide and big

I panicked, I ran around and my face was swollen like a fig

Now, I had to run to school, I was ready to start

I lifted my legs, took a deep breath and began to dart

I ran and ran and ran until I reached my school

And then I saw my friend say “You could’ve taken the local bus, you fool!”

I stared and stared at his face scratching my head

Because, I think to my dismay, I left my homework on my bed.

Poem written by: Ritik Ramanathan, 11 years old from Hyderabad

From Reluctance to Passion – My Journey with Writing

Sometimes, what you despise can change you for the better if you actually try it. I don’t know why, but I used to hate writing. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I was always a practical kid, surrounded by close-minded people, so I never really got a chance to explore what writing was. Despite being a hardcore introvert (and I still am), I never enjoyed writing. When I picked up a pencil, it was only to solve mathematical equations, not to create strings of words that made sense only to a select few.

Continue reading From Reluctance to Passion – My Journey with Writing

Book Review – The Girl Who Lost Her Yes by Aarti Khatwani Bhatia

Book Name & Publisher: The Girl Who Lost Her YES published by Harper Collins Children’s Imprint
Author: Aarti Khatwani Bhatia
Illustrator: Priya Kurian
Book Reviewer: Navyaa Mathur

What if, one day, you suddenly start saying ‘no’ to everything – even to the things you like, like candies, toys, and ice cream? That’s exactly what happened to little Mia!

Continue reading Book Review – The Girl Who Lost Her Yes by Aarti Khatwani Bhatia