Conducted a workshop on the Indore Schools Facebook community page for parents/teachers on inculcating creative writing skills and critical thinking in children.

Associated with the Hyderabad chapter of “The Kindness Project” to conduct a vocabulary building workshop for under-privileged children of “The Valmiki Foundation”.

Invited by Sheroes for a “ASK ME ANYTHING” LIVE session on their platform on how to build effective creative writing skills.

Invited as “Oakinspireon” speaker by Oakridge International School, Hyderabad to address 220+ students of Grade 4 & 5 on ‘Story Writing Skills”.

Conducted a “Children’s Day Special Creative Writing and Vocabulary Building Workshop” at Flavors in Hyderabad.

Organized a day long Children’s Literature Festival at Sarath City Mall, Hyderabad and hosted creative writing contest, children’s author interview, literature quiz and books discussion.
Invited by “KidEngage” for conducting a workshop on communication and vocabulary building at a corporate.