Tag Archives: Creative

Book Review – Gatila

Gatila is a black cow who has low self-esteem due to her black colour. She does find an unconventional, easy way to ‘make’ herself pretty by painting herself in different colours. The story is about whether she finds happiness and satisfaction with a new colour or ends up loving herself the way she is.  

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Book Review – Mystery at Malabar Cottage

“Mystery at Malabar Cottage” is a fun and adventurous story about four cousins – Sam , Fulki , Tina and Paras. They spend their summer vacation at a 200-year-old cottage at the top of the hill without their parents due to some work. Panna is the caretaker of the four cousins.

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Babloo And His Escapades

Babloo was lost but at the same time he was not lost. How?

Once upon a time, there was a 1500 light years distant planet from Earth named Depwoceus. In that planet, there were about 1600 countries and one of them was Ebarcasluat. That planet was 5 times bigger than the Sun and there lived only robots. In the city Sergyuij, there lived Haurces. Just like on Earth people are from different communities like Hindus and Muslims, in the same way, only on Depwoceus, the robots belonged to either Haurces or Liaoms. Everybody lived together happily. DE268 robot was just made and his parents named him Regeoved. His brother DE244 nicknamed Babloo was very happy.

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